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Chromium for Windows 122.0.6197.0 (32-bit)
3232 MB

Chrome for Testing is a dedicated flavor of Chrome targeting the testing use case, without auto-update, integrated into the Chrome release process, made available for every Chrome release across all channels (Stable/Beta/Dev/Canary).


In contrast to Chrome for Testing builds, Chromium builds are made available on a best-effort basis, and are built from arbitrary revisions that don’t necessarily map to user-facing Chrome releases.

Let's say you want a build of Chrome 44 for debugging purposes. Google does not offer old builds as they do not have up-to-date security fixes.

However, you can get a build of Chromium 44.x which should mostly match the stable release.

Chromium is an open-source project used by web browsers such as Google Chrome or Edge. With Chromium, you can enjoy the latest features as soon as they are included in the code, as it is automatically compiled with high frequency.

As it is compiled directly with the code introduced in the project, this is the most unstable version you can find in a browser based on this code. So, in exchange for being able to try out the latest features, you also encounter stability issues, some so serious that they can prevent you from even opening the browser or visiting a website normally.

Chromium does not require installation since the program can be run directly in the downloaded file. After opening it, you can see that, at an aesthetic level, it is practically identical to Google Chrome. You have the same tab layout, Omnibox, themes, extensions, bookmarks, history, and downloads, and basically, the same as you can do with Chrome.

Therefore, if you want to try the latest Chrome and Chromium project features, downloading Chromium is the best option. If you're looking for more stability but want to try out new features, you might be better off downloading Chrome Canary or Chrome Beta.

Chromium is an open-source project used by web browsers such as Google Chrome or Edge. With Chromium, you can enjoy the latest features as soon as they are included in the code, as it is automatically compiled with high frequency.

As it is compiled directly with the code introduced in the project, this is the most unstable version you can find in a browser based on this code. So, in exchange for being able to try out the latest features, you also encounter stability issues, some so serious that they can prevent you from even opening the browser or visiting a website normally.

Chromium does not require installation since the program can be run directly in the downloaded file. After opening it, you can see that, at an aesthetic level, it is practically identical to Google Chrome. You have the same tab layout, Omnibox, themes, extensions, bookmarks, history, and downloads, and basically, the same as you can do with Chrome.

Therefore, if you want to try the latest Chrome and Chromium project features, downloading Chromium is the best option. If you're looking for more stability but want to try out new features, you might be better off downloading Chrome Canary or Chrome Beta.

System requirements

  • A 64-bit Intel machine with at least 8GB of RAM. More than 16GB is highly recommended.
  • At least 100GB of free disk space on an NTFS-formatted hard drive. FAT32 will not work, as some of the Git packfiles are larger than 4GB.
  • An appropriate version of Visual Studio, as described below.
  • Windows 10 or newer.
  • Visual Studio can also be used to debug Chromium. The clang-cl compiler is used but Visual Studio's header files, libraries, and some tools are required. Visual Studio Community Edition should work if its license is appropriate for you. You must install the “Desktop development with C++” component and the “MFC/ATL support” sub-components. This can be done from the command line by passing these arguments to the Visual Studio installer (see below for ARM64 instructions.
  • Also, add a DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN environment variable in the same way, and set it to 0. This tells depot_tools to use your locally installed version of Visual Studio (by default, depot_tools will try to use a google-internal version).

On first run, gclient will install all the Windows-specific bits needed to work with the code, including msysgit and python.

  • If you run gclient from a non-cmd shell (e.g., cygwin, PowerShell), it may appear to run properly, but msysgit, python, and other tools may not get installed correctly.

The Chrome browser first launched in 2008, and it introduced Chromium as a platform for developers to code their own software—all for free. While Chrome has proprietary features, the Chromium base has been used by major companies to develop and customize their own browsers, all tailored to their own features and purposes.

A web browser is a sophisticated piece of software: Not only does it need to be compatible with every web page and interactive function (such as HTML5), but it also needs to protect users’ data, run reliably every time, and stand up to cybersecurity threats. This is why companies will opt for easily customizable open-source software.

In 2020, when Microsoft revamped Microsoft Edge, its flagship web browser, it launched on the Chromium base with additional software tweaks to enhance its performance. 

Chromium 2024 is an open source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way to experience the web. In addition to Google's own Chrome browser, many other developers use Chromium's source to build their own web browsers .

Chromium builds have the most infrastructure for analyzing crashes and reporting bugs. The project's hourly Chromium snapshots appear essentially similar to the latest builds of Google Chrome aside from the omission of certain Google additions.

the Chromium open source project and then packages it with additional features. The user interface of the two browsers is very similar, but the most important additions found in Chrome include: automatic browser updates, cloud sync between devices, licensed codecs for H.264 video and AAC audio, and tracking mechanisms for usage and crash reports.

uses the codebase from the Chromium open source project and then packages it with additional features. The user interface of the two browsers is very similar, but the most important additions found in Chrome include: automatic browser updates, cloud sync between devices, licensed codecs for H.264 video and AAC audio, and tracking mechanisms for usage and crash reports.


Although Chromium is not meant to be used as a final product, it is possible to install the latest precompiled snapshots for Windows, Linux and Mac, or by downloading the source code and building it manually on those platforms. The Chromium Project takes its name from the element chromium (Cr), the metal from which chrome is made.

  • Tabs
  • Tab Movement
  • Design
  • Throbber
  • Window Frame
  • Omnibox
  • Input Types
  • Tab to Search
  • Result Types
  • Incognito
  • New Tab Page
  • Most Visited
  • Frequent Searches
  • Recent Bookmarks

Windows (64-bit)

Version: 125.0.6417.0
Date: Saturday, April 13, 2024
Revision: 1286945
Commit: 86a8ad9
Editor: The Chromium Authors

Chromium 64-bit (.exe)Chromium 64-bit (.zip)How to update it?